by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Entertainment, Outdoor Activities
Yard sale, garage sale, rummages…there are many names, but they all mean the same thing: a bargain. And a garage sale is the perfect way to start a South Dakota morning. Hitting up a garage sale is a unique way to really get to know a town and...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Black Hills, Events, Outdoor Activities
There’s no better place to celebrate the nation’s independence than the Shrine of Democracy, Mount Rushmore. And there’s also no better place to see a Fourth of July weekend fireworks show. “The sight of fireworks lighting the night sky above...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Entertainment
When the budget is tight, you might be tempted to skip the summer vacation. But a South Dakota vacation doesn’t have to break your budget, if you do it right. South Dakota has an abundance of free and low-cost attractions, and with a few tips, you’ll be...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Entertainment, Events, Outdoor Activities, Western Culture
While cities across the country cancelled fireworks and Fourth of July festivities due to budget constraints, Sioux Falls bucked the trend and celebrated with a parade, a free picnic put on by Mayor Dave Munson, and a memorable fireworks display. The day started with...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | General
For tourists headed west on Interstate 90 to a Black Hills vacation, Sioux Falls is the last major population center they encounter until Rapid City. There’s an awful lot of driving between those two places — about 350 miles, which is enough to engender...