Sioux Falls Top Stops: Traveling I-90’s Hidden Gems

Journey along Interstate 90 and discover the hidden gems of Sioux Falls, where each stop is a treasure trove of unique experiences and local charm. From the rustic allure of the Coal Miner’s Tavern to the tranquil moments at Christmas Valley, this guide unveils the top stops that offer a blend of natural wonders, cultural quirks, and gastronomic delights. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a night sky observer, or a culinary adventurer, these destinations promise to enrich your travel with unforgettable memories.

Key Takeaways

  • Explore the rustic charm of the Coal Miner’s Tavern and witness the breathtaking shelf clouds of Sheep Mountain.
  • Encounter the diverse wildlife along I-90, from majestic elk herds to the elusive lone wolf in the desert.
  • Unearth the unexpected lunar landscapes at Craters of the Moon and the serene whispers of White Sands.
  • Find moments of Zen with sunset musings and the timeless tranquility of Harney County.
  • Indulge in the culinary quirks of the road, from sardine juice mishaps to gas station gourmet discoveries.

Brews and Views: Pit Stops with a Twist

Coal Miner’s Tavern: Where Boots Meet Beers

Nestled along the bustling I-90, Coal Miner’s Tavern is a haven for weary travelers and beer enthusiasts alike. This rustic watering hole pays homage to the region’s rich mining heritage, offering a unique blend of history and hops. Step inside and you’re immediately enveloped by the warm, earthy aroma of malt and barley, a testament to their commitment to serving up a selection of locally sourced brews.

The tavern’s menu is a treasure trove of hearty, home-cooked meals, perfect for refueling after a long day on the road. From the classic miner’s burger to the mouthwatering ribeye steak, there’s something to satisfy every appetite. And for those with a penchant for the hops, here’s a quick rundown of their signature beers:

  • Black Diamond Stout: A robust, full-bodied beer with notes of coffee and chocolate.
  • Silver Vein Ale: A crisp, refreshing brew with a hint of citrus.
  • Miner’s Light Lager: A light, easy-drinking option for those looking for a classic taste.

Whether you’re a local or just passing through, Coal Miner’s Tavern is more than just a pit stop; it’s a destination. With its friendly staff, laid-back atmosphere, and a selection of beers that are as rich in flavor as the town’s mining lore, it’s a place where boots and beers come together in perfect harmony.

The Majestic Shelf Clouds of Sheep Mountain

As you journey along I-90, a detour to Sheep Mountain offers a spectacle that’s a feast for the eyes and a goldmine for landscape & nature photography enthusiasts. The shelf clouds here are a meteorological marvel, rolling in ahead of the rain like a grand curtain drawn across the sky. These clouds, with their distinct horizontal layers, create a dramatic backdrop against the rugged peaks of Sheep Mountain.

The phenomenon is not just a visual treat but also a cue for weather changes. Observing these clouds can provide insights into the atmospheric conditions that are about to unfold. For those interested in the science behind the scenery, here’s a quick rundown:

  • Shelf Cloud Formation: A collision of warm, moist air with a cold front.
  • Visual Characteristics: A low, horizontal wedge-shaped cloud.
  • Weather Indicator: Signifies thunderstorms or heavy rainfall to come.

Capturing the interplay between cloud and mountain is a moment photographers yearn for. The last of the autumn birds often dot the scene, adding life to the still canvas of nature. As the long, flat plain gives way to the reflective water stretching across the base of the mountains, the landscape transforms into a living painting, one that changes with the light and time of day.

For those who find solace in the desert’s silence, the shelf clouds of Sheep Mountain are a reminder of nature’s grandeur and the ever-changing canvas it provides. It’s a place where the land breaches the ordinary, and mountains rise like sentinels guarding the secrets of the desert.

Starlight Serenades: Midnight Coyote Chorus

As you venture through the open range near Sioux Falls, a captivating experience awaits under the night sky. The midnight coyote chorus is a natural symphony that resonates with the soul of the prairie. Travelers are often surprised by the haunting melodies that fill the air, a stark contrast to the daytime silence.

The chorus typically begins just after dusk, as the coyotes communicate across the vast landscape. Their howls, yips, and barks create an acoustic map of the territory, serving both as a social gathering and a territorial claim. Here’s what you might expect on a typical night:

  • 9 PM: The first tentative howls pierce the twilight silence.
  • 10 PM to Midnight: The chorus builds, with peaks of vocal activity.
  • After Midnight: Intermittent howls as the coyotes roam and hunt.

This nocturnal serenade is best experienced in areas away from the city’s light pollution, where the stars provide a breathtaking backdrop. Remember to respect the wildlife and maintain a safe distance, as these are wild animals in their natural habitat. The coyote chorus is not just a sound, but a reminder of the untamed spirit that still thrives along I-90.

Wildlife Whispers and Wonders

Elk Herds and Bison Tales: The Roadside Safari

Traveling along I-90, you’re in for a treat as you encounter the majestic wildlife that calls this corridor home. Elk herds and bison are not just sights to behold; they are part of the region’s living heritage. These animals roam the landscape much like they did centuries ago, offering a glimpse into the past for every traveler.

Safety is paramount when observing these magnificent creatures. In recent years, vehicle collisions have posed significant risks to bison, with 12 fatalities in 2018 alone. To protect both wildlife and travelers, it’s crucial to heed warning signs and keep a watchful eye, especially during migration seasons.

Here’s a quick guide to safely enjoy your roadside safari:

  • Stay in your vehicle: For your safety and the animals’, observe from a distance.
  • Use binoculars: Enhance your viewing experience without disturbing the wildlife.
  • Drive cautiously: Animals may be on or near the roadway, particularly at dawn and dusk.
  • Respect the habitat: Keep the environment clean and undisturbed for future generations.

As you continue your journey, let the sights of elk and bison remind you of the wild beauty that still thrives in America’s heartland. These encounters are not just a highlight of your trip; they’re a call to appreciate and conserve the natural world around us.

Birdsong to Big Cats: Nature’s Melody

As you meander along I-90, the symphony of nature’s melodies can be a transformative experience. The diverse soundscape is a testament to the thriving ecosystems that line this historic route. From the delicate trills of songbirds to the distant roars of big cats, each note adds depth to the journey’s soundtrack.

The areas surrounding Sioux Falls are particularly rich in avian harmonies. Birdwatchers can delight in the variety of species, each contributing their unique songs to the chorus. Here’s a snapshot of what you might encounter:

  • The vibrant calls of the Western Meadowlark, South Dakota’s state bird
  • The haunting hoots of the Great Horned Owl during twilight hours
  • The rapid-fire melody of the Red-winged Blackbird among the cattails

For those lucky enough to witness the elusive big cats, such as mountain lions, the experience is unforgettable. While sightings are rare, the mere possibility adds an element of excitement to any nature walk or hike. Remember to respect their habitat and keep a safe distance, ensuring these majestic creatures continue to be a part of this acoustic wonderland.

Lone Wolf Sighting: A Rare Desert Encounter

The desert’s vast expanse offers more than just arid landscapes; it’s a place where wildlife thrives in the quietude. Among the most elusive creatures to grace this terrain is the lone wolf, a symbol of the wild’s untamed essence. Encountering a wolf in such an environment is a rare event, often a fleeting moment that leaves an indelible mark on the fortunate observer.

Wolves are known for their keen senses, which often makes spotting them a challenge. They can detect human presence from a great distance, usually opting for a swift retreat. However, on the rare occasion that you lock eyes with these majestic animals, it’s a silent exchange that speaks volumes. The memory of a black wolf with gold eyes, for instance, can become a treasured recollection of the wild’s raw beauty.

For those hoping to witness this rare desert encounter, patience and respect for the wolf’s habitat are paramount. Here are a few tips for increasing your chances of a sighting:

  • Stay downwind: Wolves have an exceptional sense of smell. Approaching from downwind can prevent your scent from alerting them to your presence.
  • Move quietly: Stealth is key. Avoid making loud noises that can startle wildlife.
  • Use binoculars: Keeping a safe distance is important. Binoculars can help you observe without disturbing.
  • Be patient: Wildlife encounters cannot be rushed. Spend time in their habitat and let nature take its course.

While sightings are rare and should be cherished, it’s crucial to remember that these encounters are fleeting and should be conducted with the utmost respect for the wolf and its environment.

Desert Delights: Unearthing the Unexpected

Craters of the Moon: A Lunar Landscape on Earth

Nestled in the heart of Idaho’s sagebrush desert, Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve offers a surreal experience akin to walking on the moon. The vast lava fields, formed by ancient volcanic eruptions, create a stark and otherworldly terrain that beckons the adventurous spirit.

Visitors to this unique landscape can embark on a journey through trails that cater to all levels of hikers. From short walks to extensive treks, each path leads to remarkable features such as gaping craters and steep-sided spatter cones. The preserve’s distinct geology not only provides a visual spectacle but also serves as an important research site for volcanic studies and space exploration analogs.

While the monument is accessible year-round, the best time to visit is during the spring and fall when temperatures are milder. Here’s a quick guide to help you plan your trip:

  • Entrance Fees: A nominal fee is required for entry, which contributes to the preservation and improvement of the park’s facilities.
  • Camping: For those looking to extend their stay, the park offers camping options with fees that also support ongoing improvements.
  • Best Times to Visit: Spring and fall offer the most comfortable weather for exploring.
  • Trail Options: Ranging from easy to challenging, the trails provide access to the preserve’s unique volcanic features.

White Sands Whispers: The Silent Stories of the Dunes

The White Sands National Park is a marvel of nature, offering a stark yet stunning landscape that captivates visitors with its ethereal beauty. The glistening white dunes, composed of gypsum crystals, create an otherworldly ambiance that’s both serene and surreal. As you traverse this lunar-like terrain, the silence is profound, punctuated only by the soft crunch of sand beneath your feet.

While the dunes may appear lifeless at first glance, they are home to a unique ecosystem. Plants and animals here have adapted to the harsh conditions, thriving in an environment that seems inhospitable. The soaptree yucca, with its deep roots and flexible leaves, is a prime example of the resilience found in this desert landscape.

Visitors to White Sands can engage in a variety of activities, from sledding down the cool, soft dunes to embarking on a full moon hike. The park also offers ranger-led programs that delve into the dune’s geology, flora, and fauna. Here’s a quick list of must-dos:

  • Sledding on the dunes
  • Full moon night hikes
  • Ranger-led educational programs
  • Photography, especially during the golden hours

Remember, while South Dakota’s top attractions include places like the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site and Badlands National Park, the White Sands National Park stands out as a unique and unforgettable experience on your I-90 journey.

Pacific Chorus Frogs: An Amphibian Choir

The Pacific Tree Frog, also known as the Pacific Chorus Frog, offers a symphony of sounds that is as enchanting as it is distinctive. These small amphibians, usually no larger than two inches, are famed for their powerful vocalizations that fill the night air, especially during the breeding season. Their chorus can be heard reverberating across various habitats, from woodlands to grasslands, and they are a testament to the rich biodiversity along I-90.

Desired breeding habitats for these frogs are diverse, ranging from slow-moving streams to marshes. They are not just limited to one type of environment, making them a widespread and adaptable species. Here’s a quick snapshot of their preferred habitats:

  • Slow-moving streams
  • Vernal ponds
  • Swamps
  • Lakes
  • Marshes

The Pacific Chorus Frog’s ability to thrive in various ecosystems makes it a fascinating subject for both amateur naturalists and seasoned biologists. Their presence is a sign of a healthy environment, and their nightly serenades are a natural treasure that travelers can enjoy without straying far from the interstate.

Roadside Reflections: Moments of Zen

Sunset Musings: Not the Polar Night

As the sun dips below the horizon, the skies over Sioux Falls transform into a canvas of vibrant hues, offering a moment of reflection for travelers along I-90. Unlike the endless twilight of the polar night, this spectacle marks the end of the day, a time to pause and appreciate the natural beauty that South Dakota has to offer. The transition from day to night is not just a visual treat; it’s a time when the world seems to slow down, and the hustle of the road gives way to tranquility.

The experience is more than just a visual delight; it’s a multisensory event. The air cools, the sounds of the day fade, and a serene silence takes over, save for the occasional call of a night bird or the rustle of leaves. For those seeking a moment to unwind, here’s a simple guide to making the most of these sunset musings:

  • Find a safe spot to pull over and watch the sunset.
  • Allow yourself to be present in the moment, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells.
  • Reflect on the journey thus far and the road ahead.
  • Capture the memory with a photo or simply store it in your heart.

In a region known for its diverse attractions, from the arts and entertainment to historical sites like Mount Rushmore, the simple act of watching the sunset can be one of the most memorable parts of your journey. It’s a reminder that sometimes the best attractions are the ones that aren’t on any map.

Harney County’s Timeless Tranquility

Nestled in the vast expanse of Oregon’s high desert, Harney County offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The region’s sprawling landscapes and clear, starry nights provide a perfect backdrop for reflection and rejuvenation. Visitors often find themselves lost in the beauty of the silent, open spaces, where the only sounds are the whispering winds and the occasional call of desert wildlife.

The county’s rich history is palpable, with landmarks and natural wonders that tell tales of the Old West. From the historic Round Barn, a testament to pioneer ingenuity, to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts, there’s a sense of timelessness that permeates the air. Here’s a quick list of must-visit spots in Harney County:

  • The Round Barn Visitor Center
  • Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
  • Steens Mountain Wilderness
  • Diamond Craters Outstanding Natural Area

Whether you’re seeking solitude or an adventure through the echoes of the past, Harney County’s tranquil beauty is sure to leave a lasting impression. It’s a place where one can truly disconnect and appreciate the natural world in its purest form.

Christmas Valley: A Yuletide Oasis in the Desert

Tucked away from the bustling holiday crowds, Christmas Valley offers a serene escape into the heart of the desert. A golden moonlight bathes the landscape, revealing a quiet world where the juniper scent lingers in the air and the stars seem to whisper ancient secrets. This hidden gem is a perfect retreat for those seeking a unique yuletide experience.

The valley is not just a name; it’s a celebration of the unexpected joys found in the desert. Here’s a quick list of what makes Christmas Valley a special holiday destination:

  • Silver Lake’s reflective beauty under the night sky
  • The soothing sounds of the Pacific Chorus Frog singing carols
  • The rare sight of wildlife, from the great horned owl to the elusive lone wolf

Whether you’re passing through or planning a stay, Christmas Valley is a reminder that the best Christmas family vacation ideas may just be where you least expect them. Embrace the open range, the quiet stars, and let the desert’s silent stories unfold around you.

Culinary Quirks: Fuel for the Road-Tripper’s Soul

Sardine Juice Mishaps: A Traveler’s Snack Gone Awry

The road can be unpredictable, and so can the snacks we bring along. Sardine juice mishaps are a testament to the trials of travel dining. Picture this: you’re navigating the open road, your trusty feline companion by your side, and hunger strikes. You reach for a can of sardines, an easy, protein-packed snack. But as fate would have it, the juice sloshes out, leaving a fishy fragrance and a stain on your truck seat. It’s a moment that can test the patience of any traveler.

But it’s not just about the mess; it’s about the unexpected turns that make travel memorable. Whether it’s a cat suddenly feeling queasy or the stark beauty of Harney County under the Pacific Time Zone’s starlit sky, these are the moments that stick with us. They remind us that adventure lies not only in our destinations but in the journeys we take to get there.

Here’s a quick list of tips to avoid such snack mishaps:

  • Opt for easy-to-handle, non-liquid snacks.
  • Keep a stash of cleaning supplies handy for quick cleanups.
  • Secure your snacks in a spill-proof container.

Remember, when you’re exploring different regions, like the vast landscapes of South Dakota, each experience, even the sardine juice ones, adds to the tapestry of your travel stories. So next time you’re packing your road trip cooler, think about the potential for mishaps and plan accordingly. Safe travels and happy snacking!

Gas Station Gourmet: Finding Flavor in the Unlikely

The road less traveled often leads to unexpected culinary delights, especially when it comes to gas station fare. Gone are the days when a pit stop meant settling for pre-packaged snacks and lukewarm coffee. Today’s travelers can stumble upon a smorgasbord of local flavors and homemade dishes served right at the pump.

South Dakota, a state known for its rich Western culture and scenic outdoor adventures, also offers a surprising array of gas station gourmet experiences. From hearty breakfast burritos to freshly made sandwiches, these establishments are redefining road trip dining. Here’s a taste of what you might find:

  • Breakfast Burritos: Stuffed with local sausage, eggs, and cheese, wrapped in a warm tortilla.
  • Homemade Sandwiches: Deli-style creations featuring regional meats and cheeses.
  • Local Specialties: Unique offerings like bison burgers or walleye sandwiches, reflecting the area’s hunting and fishing heritage.

While the ambiance may be casual, the flavors are anything but. These culinary quirks not only provide fuel for the body but also offer a genuine taste of local life. Next time you’re cruising through South Dakota, take a moment to explore the variety of activities and accommodations, and don’t forget to indulge in the local dining scene for a true taste of Western hospitality.

Coffee Breaks: Caffeine Fixes Across Time Zones

As travelers meander across time zones, the quest for the perfect cup of coffee becomes a unifying thread in the tapestry of their journey. The allure of a caffeine fix knows no boundaries, and the ritual of seeking out local coffee shops offers a unique window into the culture of each new place.

  • Local Roasters: Discovering small-batch roasters that capture the essence of their locale.
  • Brew Methods: From pour-overs to espresso shots, each method tells a story.
  • Coffee Culture: Engaging with baristas and fellow coffee enthusiasts.

Whether it’s the robust aroma of a freshly ground dark roast or the delicate notes of a single-origin bean, the diversity of coffee experiences is as vast as the landscapes that unfold outside the car window. It’s not just about the caffeine—it’s about the moment of pause, the conversations sparked, and the memories brewed cup by cup.

Adventure Awaits: Top Things to Do in Sturgis, South Dakota

Adventure Awaits: Top Things to Do in Sturgis, South Dakota

Rev Up Your Engines: Sturgis Rally and Beyond The Legendary Sturgis Motorcycle Rally The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is not just an event; it's a pilgrimage for riders from around the globe. Held annually in the first full week of August, this rally transforms the quiet...

The History of the Badlands in South Dakota

The History of the Badlands in South Dakota

The Badlands of South Dakota are a testament to the intricate dance between the earth's geological processes and the passage of time. This article delves into the rich tapestry that makes up the Badlands, from its awe-inspiring geological formations and diverse...

Great Faces. Great Places.

South Dakota is an incredibly unique state in that each region offers a completely different experience then the others. Check out each of the regions to see what each has to offer!


Western South Dakota

Featuring the Black Hills, Badlands, the Sturgis Rally. This region tends to be the most popular.


This region of South Dakota offers some of the best hunting and fishing in the entire central US. 

Eastern Region

The eastern region is home to the largest city in the state and provides visitors with a true "prairie" experience.