Worthing, SD

Quick City Facts

County: Lincoln
Population (2019): 1,007
Population (2010): 877

Data provided by US Census Bureau (2019)

From 1879 to present, small town living has embodied Worthing. With an estimated population of 900, Worthing has a 38.5 acre Industrial Park, elementary school and a strong local Fire Department.


The town of Worthing, South Dakota, twenty minutes from Sioux Falls, and has a social atmosphere with the Olde Towne Dinner Theatre presenting over 100 shows every year.  It’s located at 117 S. Main Street.

Locally baseball is played in t-ball to adult leagues every summer.

Contact Information


Popular Attractions

Hayride/Chuck Wagon Cookout

Hayride/Chuck Wagon Cookout


Glacial Lakes Harley-Davidson

Glacial Lakes Harley-Davidson


Bin 201

Bin 201

Sioux Falls

Black Hills Bagels

Black Hills Bagels

Rapid City

Black Hills Institute of Geological Research

Black Hills Institute of Geological Research

Hill City

Deer Mountain Ski Resort

Deer Mountain Ski Resort


Rabbit Bicycles and Black Hills Shuttle

Rabbit Bicycles and Black Hills Shuttle

Hill City

Dave’s World Tours & Shuttle Service

Dave’s World Tours & Shuttle Service


Wild Idea Buffalo Co

Wild Idea Buffalo Co

Rapid City

Tinker Kennels and Trail Rides

Tinker Kennels and Trail Rides


Black Hills Rally Weddings

Black Hills Rally Weddings


Visit Custer

Visit Custer


Red Rooster Coffee House

Red Rooster Coffee House


Phnom Penh Restaurant

Phnom Penh Restaurant

Sioux Falls

Corona Village

Corona Village


Valiant Vineyards

Valiant Vineyards


Hill City Area Chamber of Commerce

Hill City Area Chamber of Commerce

Hill City

Moccasin Springs

Moccasin Springs

Hot Springs

Great Faces. Great Places.

South Dakota is an incredibly unique state in that each region offers a completely different experience then the others. Check out each of the regions to see what each has to offer!


Western South Dakota

Featuring the Black Hills, Badlands, the Sturgis Rally. This region tends to be the most popular.


This region of South Dakota offers some of the best hunting and fishing in the entire central US. 

Eastern Region

The eastern region is home to the largest city in the state and provides visitors with a true "prairie" experience.