Camping reservation myths answered

The state Department of Game, Fish and Parks does a lot of my work for me. They’ve done it again with the following Q&A on camping reservations. Enjoy. "On opening day, I’ll go online and reserve at midnight." False Reservations open at the...

Trout-fishing opportunity

Thousands of trout are about to be released into the Missouri River below Fort Randall Dam in southeastern South Dakota. For more, see the following excerpt from a state Department of Game, Fish and Parks news release: PIERRE, S.D. – Anglers looking for unique...

Mushroom hike at Oahe Downstream

From the state Department of Game, Fish and Parks: PIERRE, S.D. – Oahe Downstream Recreation Area, five miles north of Fort Pierre, will be the site of an opportunity this month to learn about South Dakota’s other gold – the tasty morel mushroom....