by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | General
I posted recently about my disappointment over the lack of breweries in South Dakota. After writing that post, I thought it might be interesting to pursue a news story about the state’s lack of breweries for my day job at The Daily Republic. I already knew from...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Events, Outdoor Activities, Wildlife
If you’ve never been in South Dakota the day before the opening of pheasant season, it’s difficult to understand just how enormously important the date has become to the state in economic and cultural terms. Thousands of out-of-staters are arriving in...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Outdoor Activities, Wildlife
South Dakota’s pheasant hunting season opened this week to sunshine after dark gray days and rain. Although pheasant hunting this year has been more challenging due to crops still in the fields, the South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks are saying hunter...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Black Hills, History
"This historic town still breathes with the rugged spirit and beauty of a frontier town." That’s the assessment that John Vander Stelt Maurice, an Iowa-based painter, offered of Deadwood recently for Forbes Traveler’s new list of America’s...
by sethtupper | Mar 15, 2021 | Outdoor Activities
The state Department of Game, Fish and Parks does a lot of my work for me. They’ve done it again with the following Q&A on camping reservations. Enjoy. "On opening day, I’ll go online and reserve at midnight." False Reservations open at the...